September 8, 2024
- Mike Laramie
- Guest Speaker
- 1 Peter
- Acts
- Deuteronomy
- Ephesians
- Zechariah
- Forgiveness
- inheritance
- Temptation
- Ephesians 1:3
Blessings with which God has Blessed His People.
September 8, 2024
Blessings with which God has Blessed His People.
May 14, 2023
1. THE MOTHER OF JOHN MARK “When this had dawned on him, he went to the house of Mary the mother of John, also called Mark, where many people had gathered and were praying” Acts 12:12 Mary’s home was a place where people were welcome to: a. GATHER b. PRAY … Read More »
October 2, 2022
Jesus was an UPSIDE DOWN KING Jesus leads and UPSIDE DOWN KINGDOM Different TRUST Different DESIRES Different IDENTITY Different RESPONSE We should be and UPSIDE DOWN CHURCH Matthew 20:25-28
January 16, 2022
This message tells how John the Baptist reveals Jesus as the Messiah to Israel. However, only the first part of this message was recorded.
January 2, 2022
What Jesus is doing here is awakening His followers to the new reality of God’s plan for His people in the Church age. The reason God’s Kingdom will not be established at this time, is that in just a few days, the Holy Spirit is going to come upon them all, and the Church will come into existence. Now, through theChurch, God’s kingdom will take up residence in the hearts of ordinary men and women, and together they will have one purpose: to be His witnesses in the world!
May 25, 2021
People are curious about the Church. They are curious to see if God is real and working among us. And one way we get to show the world that there’s another way to live is by our genuine and joyous praise of God. So if there’s one thing God would like to see rebooted among us, is this contagious and joyous praise of who He is and what He is doing.
March 11, 2021
God’s grace was so powerfully at work in them all that there were no needy persons among them. That’s what God’s grace does! When God’s grace takes hold in your heart, it makes you a gracious person. Giving becomes second nature. You want to give. You want to help because God has helped you!
November 16, 2020
We don’t choose Jesus. Jesus chooses us. Jesus comes into our world of darkness. He comes to deliver us, to rescue us, to save us. Left to ourselves we will not seek a relationship with God. In our darkness we will choose sin over God; every time.
July 19, 2020
Salvation comes when we come to the end of ourselves – when we realize that none of our religious traditions or moral living has any value to save us – it’s when we see that our works are powerless to save us – that’s when we can finally see what matters most. And what matters most is believing in Jesus! Trusting in the GIFT of God’s Son so that you can know Jesus and receive the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith. Our confidence is found in Jesus, not in ourselves.
April 14, 2020
If Jesus had the authority to lay down his life and had authority to take up again – then you can trust in the authority of His Word. You can count on what Jesus says. And this should give you hope in the darkness. For when things looked darkest for the disciples, when their world seemed to be falling apart, and when all seemed lost… Jesus rose from the grave, just as he said he would. And if Jesus did what he said he would do by rising from the dead, you can trust him in whatever he promises.