February 2, 2025
God has done great things through His Church in the past and great things right now, but God is not yet done with His Church
February 2, 2025
God has done great things through His Church in the past and great things right now, but God is not yet done with His Church
January 28, 2024
God loved you so much that He didn’t send Jesus to simply die for you, but to give you a whole new way to live. And when you embrace His way of living, not only will Jesus change how you live, He will change you, and He will change the perspective of those around you.
March 20, 2022
Jesus loves everyone. He judges no one. Jesus doesn’t build barriers, he tears them down.
March 2, 2022
We cannot enter the kingdom of God with our own abilities, our religious practices or our good works. It’s just not possible. A dead person cannot resurrect themselves. The same is true of a spiritually dead person. Only God can give new life. So then, just as Nicodemus needed to be born again spiritually then, every person born physically today also needs to experience spiritual birth from God to enter the Kingdom of God.
July 28, 2021
Sorry, only a portion of this message was recorded.
July 6, 2021
When you believe in Jesus you are no longer an object of God’s wrath, but an object of God’s mercy. You will never be separated from life with God. You will enjoy a new way of life with God, and your future will be secure with Christ forever.
June 1, 2021
If the Spirit has set you free from the burden of the law, if the Spirit is changing you so you now want what God wants, and if the Spirit is empowering you to kill off the old life and embrace this new life in Christ – that means, the Spirit in You is leading you. And the very fact that you are living surrendered to His leading is a clear statement that you are a new person in Christ. More specifically, you are a child of God. And the good news is that God has done all of this for you.
September 13, 2020
God has revealed His kindness and love to us in Jesus. God has given us mercy in Jesus. God has washed us clean through Jesus. God has made us alive with Jesus. God has declared us innocent of guilt and made us totally acceptable in His presence. And now the gospel has given us a place to belong with God forever. That’s why the good news changes everything for us. And why everyone needs the gospel.
April 14, 2020
If Jesus had the authority to lay down his life and had authority to take up again – then you can trust in the authority of His Word. You can count on what Jesus says. And this should give you hope in the darkness. For when things looked darkest for the disciples, when their world seemed to be falling apart, and when all seemed lost… Jesus rose from the grave, just as he said he would. And if Jesus did what he said he would do by rising from the dead, you can trust him in whatever he promises.
April 3, 2019
Jesus paid it all. We’ve been set free. It’s of no value to live in the past and keep trying to keep proving yourself to God. You no longer have to do this. So stop doing it! That’s the first thing we must do to appropriate the power of our new life in Christ. Because as long as we are trying to measure up, Christ is of no value to us.