November 20, 2022
- Larry Sundin
- The Gospel of John
- John
- Expectations
- Gospel of Peace
- Jesus
- Kingdom of God
- Messiah
- Salvation
- John 12:12-19
Jesus enters Jerusalem where we see the expectations of the people and God’s exceptions of Him collide.
November 20, 2022
Jesus enters Jerusalem where we see the expectations of the people and God’s exceptions of Him collide.
September 11, 2022
Jesus is more than what meets the eye! To these Jews all they saw was a man who was a blasphemer and worthy of death. But to those who have ears to hear, Jesus is proclaiming the good news of God. The Father dedicated the Son and sent Him to us to be the meeting place between God and man. He is God who became man and is now worthy of worship.
June 26, 2022
Jesus reveals how the Jews had gotten so far off track. He reveals how their spiritual priorities had been flipped. To them the purpose of the law was about keeping the letter of the law. It was about keeping up religious appearances. But Jesus reveals that they’ve lost sight of the purpose of the law: The purpose of the law was to reveal the need for mercy.
January 16, 2022
This message tells how John the Baptist reveals Jesus as the Messiah to Israel. However, only the first part of this message was recorded.
January 9, 2017
The majority of Jesus’ teaching was reserved for those who had apprenticed themselves to Jesus, the Rabbi. They had come to be with him, so they could learn from him how to live out the Word of God. And so there they were, sitting at the feet of Jesus, ready to learn, ready to be challenged and changed, because they believed Jesus had the words of life – of new life: Life in the kingdom of God.
December 13, 2016
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