Jesus said, “Come, follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” Mark 1:17 At Rock Springs the way we’ve chosen to help you get intentional about following Jesus as a lifestyle is to invite you to join a Journey Group.
A Journey Group consists of three of four people who are actively following Jesus together as apprentices in the kingdom way of life.
Each Journey Group will have a DNA that will guide how they function:
D = Discover We will “discover” together how Jesus walked in obedience to the Father’s will and encourage and challenge one another to do the same. The Gospels accounts of Jesus Christ are our texts for the journey.
Our plan is to personally study one chapter from the gospels each week and then meet to share with one another what God is revealing to us about the life of Jesus and how He is leading us to integrate what we are learning into our everyday lives.
N = Nurture We will nurture one another’s faith by encouraging one another daily, speaking the truth in love and praying for one another as we are learning to obey what we are discovering together.
A = Apply We will focus on putting into practice what God is teaching us so that we can truly live out the gospel in our everyday lives. As we grow in our obedience to Jesus Christ we will look to invite others to join us on this journey together and create new groups of apprentices in the kingdom way of life.