February 2, 2025
God has done great things through His Church in the past and great things right now, but God is not yet done with His Church
February 2, 2025
God has done great things through His Church in the past and great things right now, but God is not yet done with His Church
September 8, 2024
Blessings with which God has Blessed His People.
February 18, 2024
Four ways our new life in Christ can help us stand out as distinctly different from the world.
January 28, 2024
God loved you so much that He didn’t send Jesus to simply die for you, but to give you a whole new way to live. And when you embrace His way of living, not only will Jesus change how you live, He will change you, and He will change the perspective of those around you.
May 8, 2022
We are not left with the idea that Jesus is just one of many ways to get to heaven. He does not leave us that option. In fact, Jesus is crystal clear that He is the way to receive eternal life. He is the central figure in the salvation of all mankind. For not only does Jesus have the power to give life, but He has the power to determine your eternal destiny.
November 14, 2021
Jesus loves His Church and He wants you in it. Jesus loves His Church and He wants you to do your part in it. That’s why He died for you. For God sees in you what He wants to make us an irresistible church. That’s our God, and He’s not done with what He wants to make of us
August 15, 2021
When we bear the fruit of light: with goodness, righteousness and truth, we don’t just live out our identity as children of light – we shine the light of Jesus and we bring hope. And that’s what our world needs right now. You are the light our world needs today! Every one of us who has Christ in us has this potential to shine in the darkness.
August 1, 2021
The Christian is not to be characterized as someone who takes, but as someone who gives. After all, “God so loved the world that He gave His One and only Son, that whoever believes in Him might not perish, but have eternal life!” Giving to help others is what makes us like God. God is a good and generous God. He gave His best for us. So the point here is not so much as to be useful, but to be useful for the sake of others – to give to help others in need.
July 28, 2021
Sorry, only a portion of this message was recorded.
July 11, 2021
Does the gospel make any difference in how you live today? Does the fact that God saved you when you could not save yourself, make you more thankful? Or do you still feel like God owes you a living or is holding out on you? Or let me ask you this: If you’ve been forgiven… Read More »