October 13, 2024
We learn from the life of Jesus how Jesus became the source of Salvation for all who obey Him.
October 13, 2024
We learn from the life of Jesus how Jesus became the source of Salvation for all who obey Him.
October 9, 2022
When your religion makes you justify sin, you’re no longer trusting God’s will – you’re trusting your own will. And this is a dangerous thing. For when you abandon faith in God’s will to justify your actions, the results can be devastating.
August 28, 2022
People don’t want to see the truth about Jesus, people don’t want to trust in Jesus, and don’t want to experience the grace and mercy of Jesus, because there are so many factors at work in their lives today that actually blind them to the good news that is found in Jesus.
June 26, 2022
Jesus reveals how the Jews had gotten so far off track. He reveals how their spiritual priorities had been flipped. To them the purpose of the law was about keeping the letter of the law. It was about keeping up religious appearances. But Jesus reveals that they’ve lost sight of the purpose of the law: The purpose of the law was to reveal the need for mercy.
July 19, 2020
Salvation comes when we come to the end of ourselves – when we realize that none of our religious traditions or moral living has any value to save us – it’s when we see that our works are powerless to save us – that’s when we can finally see what matters most. And what matters most is believing in Jesus! Trusting in the GIFT of God’s Son so that you can know Jesus and receive the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith. Our confidence is found in Jesus, not in ourselves.