January 26, 2025
- Larry Sundin
- Jesus Is
- good works
- Leadership
- Obeying God's Word
- Praise
- Prayer
- surrender
- Hebrews 13:15-19
God wants every part of our life to be lived by faith through Jesus
January 26, 2025
God wants every part of our life to be lived by faith through Jesus
April 30, 2023
Do you love Jesus? I hope you do. That’s one of the reason’s we’ve spent the last 18 months in the Gospel of John. For in these pages, we’ve met the Word made flesh, the Lamb of God, the living water, the bread of life and the light of the world. We’ve come face to… Read More »
November 13, 2022
Mary Shows us the way to uninhibited-heartfelt worship at the feet of Jesus
June 26, 2022
Jesus reveals how the Jews had gotten so far off track. He reveals how their spiritual priorities had been flipped. To them the purpose of the law was about keeping the letter of the law. It was about keeping up religious appearances. But Jesus reveals that they’ve lost sight of the purpose of the law: The purpose of the law was to reveal the need for mercy.
January 23, 2022
In the end, this is what a follower is all about: A follower is ready to go with Jesus. A follower is ready to go all in with Jesus, and a follower is ready to go to others and bring them to Jesus.
June 9, 2021
How you live today matters. And the reason it matters, is that we live in a world today that constantly tells us that there is only one way to live – to live for self. The philosophy that guides many people today, is all about pursuing individual freedom and happiness. “How I feel or what… Read More »
March 30, 2021
When life gets hard, what’s your first instinct? When things get a bit overwhelming, what’s your first reaction? If you’re like most people, you try to grin and bear it and deal with it the best you can. Or sometimes you take out your frustrations on those you love. Or when life starts to overwhelm… Read More »
November 6, 2019
If you give your all to God as a living sacrifice, you make yourself available for God to use wherever your feet may take you. If you give your self moment by moment through out each day, you will free your self from a compartmentalized faith. You will now walk with Him throughout your day. When you give your mind, it will become more attuned to what God is doing. Your lips will become instruments of grace and truth. Your tongue will bring encouragement, healing and life. Your hands will be available to lift up the fallen. Your arms will give comfort to the lonely and broken. Your ears will become attuned to the cries of the distressed. And your eyes will begin to see everyone in light of eternity…
January 30, 2018
God wants us to be a faith-filled people: People who trust Him with every aspect of our lives. People who trust Him with our marriages, who trust Him with our families, people who trust Him with our finances, people who trust Him with our time, people who trust Him with our habits and hobbies. Because when we trust Him in everything, we honor Him fully. That’s worship! That’s the kind of worshiper God desires.
November 6, 2016
You and I don’t decide to make Jesus Lord; He is Lord regardless of what we think of him. Jesus Christ died on the cross and rose from the grave, and now He is exalted at the Father’s right hand as the Lord over all creation. He is the Ultimate Authority in the Universe! There is no one greater, no one higher, no one more powerful than Jesus!